Sunday, August 16, 2009


Yesterday, some of the Australians here taught some of us international students how to make damper. Damper is a simple Aussie bread (or bush bread, since it is a recipe for the bush), made from flour, milk, oil, butter, and pretty much whatever you want to add in for taste (according to the guy teaching us; he recommended cheese or olives). I made a plain one and cooked it in a frying pan covered in tin foil (we don't have an oven, but one of the benefits of damper is that you don't need one); it ended up tasting a lot like biscuits. I think I may have made mine a bit too thick (it was pretty dense), so I'm gonna try again later and try to get a more fluffy bread like the guy was describing. It was good though.

In other news, I've decided to do the Sydney Half Marathon. It's part of the Sydney Running Festival, which features a marathon, half marathon, 9k, and 4k runs on September 20th. All of them start by going across the Harbour Bridge and end right in front of the Opera House - it should be an amazing run.
Once again, we are to run for a charity of our choosing, from the list here. I'm asking for suggestions as to which charity to run for, please let me know which one you think is best. I'm going to register at the end of this week, and I need to tell them a charity then so I can start fundraising.
Thank you so much to everyone who donated to EWB Australia - together we raised $300! That money will help EWB's efforts around the globe, building a better world. Thank you all very much.

Also, congratulations to my brother, who did a Half-Ironman Triathlon over the weekend (that's over 70 miles of swimming, biking and running - wow). Way to go Michael!

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