Saturday, August 1, 2009

First Week of Classes

I've just finished my first week of classes. Only lectures, though - labs don't start till next week. So far it's been mostly introductory stuff, but it looks like it ought to be very interesting. In my Intro to Innovation class, we talked about nanotechnology, and Rice came up (Buckyballs - discovered by Rice professors). Cool stuff.

This morning I went for a nice long run along the Harbour. I got a little lost, but I found a path that basically runs along the cliffs at the edge of the water. It was beautiful.

Afterwards I went to Paddy's Market with one of my flatmates, Rob. It's a big farmer's market with lots of cheap (but good) stuff. I got some eggs and bananas, and the two of us got some salmon (that will come up again later in this post). I'll definitely be going back there again.

This afternoon there was a photo scavenger hunt organized by housing where we were put in small groups and given two hours to take pictures of ourselves at various Sydney landmarks. My team went to the Prime Minister's House (worth 100 pts), and then worked our way back through the city, seeing Circular Quay, the Opera House, Hyde Park Barracks, the ANZAC Memorial, and many others. We eventually placed fourth (not too bad).

After the scavenger hunt Rob and I went to cook our fish. We marinated it for maybe 20 min in honey, lemon, and soy sauce and then put it in a frying pan, seared both sides, and sprinkled sesame seeds on it and continued cooking until we felt like it was done (this wasn't a very scientific process... we just kinda played it by ear). The end product was great; nice steaming salmon fillets with couscous. (so you see, mom, I'm not just eating EasyMac and cereal)

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