Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Well, after some administrative confusion, I finally have my final schedule:

I think if you click on it you can see it bigger. Anyway, I was finally able to register for the Materials Science course I was locked out of earlier, but I had to drop the Aboriginal course (it's 8 credits and I'm limited to 24 - everything else is 6) I was going to do to make room for it (a tough choice, but since I need Materials Science for my major...). To pick up the slack I enrolled in an Introduction to Innovation course, which seemed pretty interesting. Anyway, the final schedule is:

9am-11am Chemistry and Materials Science Tutorial
3pm-5pm Introduction to Innovation Tutorial
5pm-6pm Chemistry and Materials Science Lecture 1
6pm-8pm Chemistry and Materials Science Practicum

11am-2pm Fluid Mechanics Lecture
3pm-6pm Mechanics of Solids Tutorial

11am-2pm Introduction to Innovation Lecture
3pm-6pm Mechanics of Solids Lecture

No class!

1:30pm-3pm Fluid Mechanics Tutorial
4pm-5pm Chemistry and Materials Science Lecture 2

So any of you out there who think "Study Abroad" is just Aussie for "Vacation," think again...

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