Sunday, July 12, 2009

One Day More...

For those of you that may not know, I am studying abroad next semester in Sydney, Australia at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). I'll be taking two engineering classes (Fluid Dynamics and Mechanics of Solids - sounds fun, right?) and one just for fun (Representing Aboriginal People, History and Place); I'll be in school until the end of November, then I'm taking two weeks to travel around and see as much of Australia and New Zealand as I can before I fly home on December 13th.

Tomorrow I will fly from Atlanta to LA to meet up with my group flight (booked through Australearn, a kind of study abroad clearinghouse... they make everything easier), then take the 14 hour, 7170 mile flight to Brisbane, Australia, where we will get on a smaller flight to Cairns for a three-day orientation session run by Australearn. After that, it's another plane to Sydney, where I get settled into my apartment and get ready for classes.

Total Flying Time: 23 hours 31 minutes
Distance: 11,433 miles

I'm going to try to keep this blog pretty up to date, but don't be surprised if I don't post anything for a few weeks... I'm probably just really busy with classes (ha ha).

If you want to contact me while I'm over there, the best way is probably email (andrew2290 at gmail dot com); if you have skype send me an email with your skype info and I'll add it. Once I have a mailing address I'll post that. I won't have my cell phone while I'm over there, so don't try to call me unless you want to fill my voicemail with messages I won't get for five months...

Anyway, I'm going to get back to packing now... I'll post when I can.


  1. Nothing interesting to say, but just reminding you to NEVER post your email address on the WWW. Spammers have programs to come through pages to find it and fill your inbox with spam.

    Instead, put something like:

    andrew2290 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Have fun!

  2. be wary of these inconvenient guys:
