Wednesday, July 22, 2009


So Orientation is still going, I've had all kinds of seminars and tours, and I'm getting settled in here. Here's some pictures of various stuff...

inside the tower at UTS

the view from the door of my apartment

courtyard outside the apartment

the window of my room is the second one on the second floor, right next to that green street sign (reddish-brown building, right on the street; I'm not in the tower part of the apartment complex)

Victoria Park, where I go running in the mornings

the University of Sydney, or as I've heard some UTS people describe it, "what a University is supposed to look like" - not everyone's a fan of the tower

view of the Sydney skyline from the top of the hill (right next to University of Sydney) - the UTS tower is on the right

I'll get some pictures of the apartment up once everything's organized... it's an ongoing process...

I've signed up to go sailing in Sydney Harbour with some other UTS students tomorrow; that should be a lot of fun, and a great chance to see the Opera House and Bridge. I also signed up to do the City 2 Surf, a 14k road race (like the Peachtree, but longer) from Hyde Park (near UTS) to Bondi Beach. I joined the UTS team (which gets me a nice UTS running shirt, as well as a ticket to the UTS tent after the race for free food), and am trying to keep up the running every day until race day on August 9th (a little sooner than I'd like, but I'll be ready). That should be a lot of fun too, and a great way to see the city.

Anyway, I'll try to keep the updates coming. Classes start next week... vacation time's almost over...

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