Friday, July 24, 2009

Sailing the Harbour

Today I went sailing in Sydney Harbour on a 30-ft boat owned by the University (you can take it out with 4 or 5 friends on a weekend for $30 a head... I'll definitely be taking advantage of that again later). It was a chilly day with a few good gusts of wind. We went up under the bridge, then out to the edge of the ocean, and got some amazing views along the way. My camera ran out of batteries about halfway out though, so I wasn't able to capture everything.

The Impulse, with her Captain, David, who has been sailing in Sydney Harbour since he was 12

some reeeeeeeeaaallly expensive houses on the Harbour

keep going long enough, you hit New Zealand, then South America

After sailing, I went to an Aussie Move Marathon in one of the UTS Housing buildings - we watched The Castle, Three Dollars, and Cosi, all great Australian films.

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