Saturday, July 18, 2009

I held a koala today!

Well, the running didn’t happen this morning… I feel great after a full night’s sleep though.

We went to RainForestStation Nature Park today, up in the hills about a half hour away from the city. We got to feed and pet kangaroos, and see all kinds of other wildlife, like crocodiles and dingos. We also got to hold a snake and a koala (the koala really was just like a living teddy bear - very soft). It was amazing. After seeing the animals, we took a ride in an old Army “Duck,” an amphibious craft made in WWII with six wheels and a propeller, down a trail into the forest, where we saw all kinds of interesting plants. Then we went to see an Aboriginal dance show and got to throw boomerangs (mine came back and almost hit me in the shin… I guess I should’ve been ready for that…) and try to play a didgeridoo. I could get noises out of it, but nothing like what the Aborigine who demonstrated it got. Anyway, the day produced some great photo opportunities:

view from the drive up the mountain to the station

an Army "Duck"


A wallaby (looks a lot like a kangaroo, just smaller)

A group shot of all the UTS students with the Aboriginal dancers

No photoshop here - This is actually me holing a koala!

(ok so really it's a picture of a picture of me holding a koala, they didn't give us digital copies... but still, it's real)

Once we got back to the hotel, Andy (one of our guides, and a native Australian) took us out to a park nearby and taught (or tried to teach) us how to play cricket and rugby (or “footie,” as he called it). Cricket was a lot of fun, though it was hard to make the transition away from baseball -- each time I hit the ball I’d start running towards where first base would be instead of straight out to the other stump. Rugby was very confusing… I still don’t really understand how it all works.

Anyway, after dinner it was back to the hotel for some good sleep to get ready to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef tomorrow…

1 comment:

  1. The O'Neal children are extremely envious of your Koala holding adventure. We are so glad you are having such a great trip! Keep writing-- we love reading!
