Friday, September 25, 2009

Spring Break!

It is now officially spring break, and I'm off to Alice Springs (by way of Adelaide) to go on a 3 day camping trip into the Outback to see Uluru (Ayers Rock) and all the other cool stuff there is out there. Here's the plan:

Tomorrow - Fly to Adelaide
Sunday - Board the train to Alice Springs for a 24 hour ride through the Outback
Monday - Arrive in Alice Springs
Tuesday - Meet up with the tour group and head out for three days and two nights in the bush
Saturday - Fly back to Adelaide
Sunday - Fly back to Sydney

I know the flight/train schedule is a little weird, but it was the cheapest way to get to Alice Springs (in total, about half the cost of a one-way flight to Alice Springs from Sydney).

Hopefullly the next post will be a picture of me standing next to a really big red rock...

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